If you have any questions contact us through our site.

Simply answered, cultured and naturally occurring oysters feed on the same nutrients, but cultured oysters are often provided with a superior growing environment by means of bottom preparation, racks or floating/suspended growth units, which lends to a fuller oyster.

Yes, but once frozen, they are no longer living and should be eaten within three months. Allow 50 minutes to defrost them and cook them immediately.

No, but during non-‘r’ months, the meat of the oyster is not as full, therefore the quality of the meat is not as good.

Oysters are rich in iron, zinc, vitamins and minerals. A single oyster contains just seven calories and is an excellent source of protein.

ShanDaph Oysters is Philip’s tribute to his family and their long standing ties to Big Island and its oysters. ShanDaph is a combination of Philip’s grandparents’ names. ‘Shan’ derived from the WWII pilot flight name of Everett (Shan) Baudoux and ‘Daph’ from Daphne Baudoux.

ShanDaph Oysters is Philip’s tribute to his family and their long standing ties to Big Island and its oysters. ShanDaph is a combination of Philip’s grandparents’ names. ‘Shan’ derived from the WWII pilot flight name of Everett (Shan) Baudoux and ‘Daph’ from Daphne Baudoux.